Our church actively supports local, national, and international communities through mission and outreach efforts, much of it through hands-on involvement. This work is an important part of our church.
The Mission and Outreach Committee faithfully pursues its missions with the following objectives:
To maximize our resources and distribute funds that impact the areas of peacemaking and evangelism; to help bring relief to those who are ill or disabled; and to strive for the elimination of prejudice, poverty, drugs, and violence.
To invest our funds with organizations or groups demonstrating a strong commitment to ministry or efforts to inspire hands-on participation from our congregation and others in the community.
To advocate for outreach missions that transform lives on a permanent basis rather than charity handouts; focusing especially on local organizations where positive outcomes can be measured and observed.
Special Offerings and Fundraising
One Great Hour of Sharing (Easter): supporting our national office
Peacemaking Offering (October): shared between our local Presbytery and the Judicial Process Commission
Christmas Joy (December): distributed 50% to the national Presbytery missions, 25% to Camp Whitman and 25% to Pittsford Youth Services.
Special fundraising is undertaken to support our every other year mission trip to the In Step Children’s Home (Rehema For Kids) in Kenya
Click on any of the above links to learn more about these organizations.