Local Mission
Did you know our congregation provides volunteers, in-kind and/or financial support to more than 20 organizations, with the strongest focus on the City of Rochester and surrounding area? Click on organizations in blue to be directed to their websites.
We've Got Your Backpack Program - serving Pittsford and Rochester City Schools (see below)
East High Food Cupboard
Scouts BSA: Troops 11 & 341. Cub Scout Packs 171 & 341
Girl Scouts of America Troop 211
Spotlight on Local Mission
Keeping Our Promise (KOP)
A family moved into our house on January 7, 2022. The family came from Kabul, Afghanistan, via a refugee camp at Fort Dix, NJ under the auspices of Keeping Our Promise (KOP) with special immigrant visas. They are working with Catholic Family Center (CFC), the lead agency in Rochester for refugees, to establish all the aspects of their residency in Rochester and the USA. KOP helps to establish a Caring Circle of volunteers for each family and our family’s circle includes members of FPC as well as other community members. Thus far, the circle has reached out to the Pittsford Community Library, the Islamic Center of Rochester (one of our Habitat partners), the Center for Refugee Health, Saint’s Place, and the Pittsford Food Cupboard run by our own Dan T. The first step for the family will be to learn enough English to be able to work here and for the children to go to school in Pittsford. The adults will partner with the Rochester City School District’s Office of Adult and Career Education Services (OACES). The Caring Circle will help/teach the family to maneuver the public RTS bus system to get to and from OACES. They risked their very lives to come to the USA and to be in partnership with all of us here. The local partners on this adventure are an alphabet soup of organizations. And they are individuals, and we will continue to expand the opportunities to be in partnership as we are able. If you would like more information or would like to be a part of this “transformational adventure,” please contact Lee F.
Cameron Community Ministries
(Cameroncommunity.org) is an Urban Outreach Community Center that improves lives by providing high-quality programs since 1984 to the Lyell-Otis neighborhood of Rochester, NY. In addition to addressing basic needs and providing emergency services, Cameron is helping to stabilize individuals and families by achieving self-sufficiency, as well as hosting innovative youth and teen programs supporting education and enrichment.
Cameron offers many programs including youth after-school, summer and Saturday Academy programs, dedicated child/teen Social Worker, Teen Center, Peace Garden, free hot meal program serving lunch daily, emergency food pantry, holiday celebrations and clothing house that serves community members in need of clothing and housewares.
Click Here to learn more about the impact of Cameron Community Ministries. And, click Here to see a video of Cameron’s 40th Anniversary
First Presbyterian Pittsford and Others - in Mission Together with Cameron
Throughout and following the pandemic, service organizations like Cameron Community Ministries, have been challenged to meet the needs of those they serve and have learned to “pivot” to do so. Programs and staff have been updated and adapted to the current environment. Grants for increasing community awareness and outreach have resulted in new services reaching more residents and those living on the streets. The Presbytery of Genesee Valley and its churches have supported Cameron from its humble beginning by donating money, labor, clothing including hand-knit items, medical supplies and groceries. Hands-on volunteering is especially popular through mentoring, food preparation and participation in Cameron-sponsored events.
Our mission with Cameron engages all generations in service including our youth. There are all sorts of volunteer opportunities that you can do on site at Cameron, at home or church, on your own or with others. Call the church office 585-586-5688 to be connected with an Outreach coordinator who will outline choices and help you decide.
Cooking For Cameron - Second Monday and Fourth Wednesday of each month (9-11am)
Our church sends teams of 3-4 people with a designated lead person, to prepare meals in Cameron’s kitchen. Occasionally we prepare food in our church kitchen instead. While we prepare the luncheon meal, we catch up with Cameron staff on the latest news and with one another. They love the help, sharing their kitchen and seeing what we concoct. We love the camaraderie and personal connection and putting our own spin on the cooking!
Call the Church Office at 585-586-5688.
Check out the Volunteer Opportunities tab to learn more about Cooking for Cameron.
Food Collections for Cameron Community Ministries - Anytime
There are bins in the storage area and in the lobby of our church specifically for food donations only. Unopened, unexpired canned/packaged items below are accepted at all times.
Canned tuna, chicken, beef
Instant potatoes
Cans/jars of tomatoes, sauce, gravy
Salad dressing, mayonnaise, oil
Bagged fresh onions
Additionally, frozen meat, vegetables and fruit are gratefully accepted. Contact us for specific directions on donating these or other items.
Clothing Collections for Cameron Community Ministries - Preapproval Required
Due to Cameron’s limited clothing space and changing needs, please obtain authorization before dropping off clothing at the church by calling us at 585-586-5688. New and gently-used clothing, hand-knit cold weather items, personal care items (dental, cleansing, grooming) and purchased undergarments, diapers and socks are gratefully accepted upon approval.
Mentoring, Tutoring, Teaching, Gardening, Construction
Do you have a skill or training you can share? Contact us to explore opportunities!
Some Fun Facts About Our Church’s Mission Work with Cameron
Over 500 volunteer hours/year for food and clothing collection, food prep, mentoring and attending Cameron events
We now have 3 cook teams and partner with Irondequoit Presbyterian.
Donated kitchen equipment and supplies
Renovated interior of food delivery truck
Donated guitars and lessons
Youth group participation in Saturday Academy
Donate 200+ brand new knitted hats, scarves, mittens; 120+ undergarments, new winter coats; 100+ bags of new and like-new clothing
Holiday gifts
Camp sponsorships
A Designated Mission of Presbytery of Genesee Valley, Cameron also receives significant monetary support from the Pittsford Outreach budget, special collections and individuals. Recognizing and supporting Cameron Community Ministries financially is an investment in local lives impacted by poverty who can see God’s love in action.
Be an Agent of Positive Change and Promise for the Cameron staff and community – once, twice or maybe for a lifetime!
We've Got Your Backpack
Feeding Children in the Rochester and Pittsford School Districts
35 Backpacks weekly for Rochester City Schools # 54 on Otis St. and #35 on Field St.
26 Backpacks weekly to targeted Pittsford schools.
14 Snack boxes to all 9 Pittsford schools.
There are 20+ million children in the U.S. at risk of hunger. Many children in the greater Rochester area receive free or cost reduced meals while attending school during the week. On weekends, however, an alarming number of those kids have little or no food. Our program helps meet their needs by giving backpacks to the kids to help supply their weekend meal requirements. Members collect the bags each week from the student's school and replenish the supplies in time to meet that weekend's needs. FPC members raise the funds and donate the food needed to stuff as many as 60 bags each week. Pittsford Food Cupboard, Wegmans Supermarkets and Foodlink are valuable partners to the success of this mission.
Pittsford Backpack Program
A joint venture between 1st Presbyterian Church of Pittsford and the Pittsford Food Cupboard.
The need for backpacks for children within the Pittsford school district is surprising. Even here in Pittsford, there are children going to school hungry. Our school district is large, encompassing areas less affluent than others, or maybe your neighbor is experiencing unknown hardships.
We currently provide filled backpacks every week for 20-26 families. They contain breakfast and lunch/dinner options generously filled at the Pittsford Food Cupboard. Monthly, we send snack bags containing both breakfast and quick snacks to all 9 of the Pittsford district schools. They are kept in the counseling office to be distributed to children as needed. High need sites receive replenishment as needed.
The district counseling staff continuously evaluates families for need, so the recipients do change throughout the year. We deliver backpacks and snacks to the district office, and on occasion directly to schools. Our Outreach representative meets or calls the district coordinator weekly to discuss their needs and to plan for the following week.
How to Donate for Our Program
Please donate either food or money to the Pittsford Food Cupboard or Foodlink for the Backpack program.
What is “Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity”?
As of January 1, 2023, Flower City Habitat for Humanity merged with Ontario and Wayne counties to form Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity “GRHFH”. This new entity is the local Habitat for Humanity site which builds affordable homes using volunteer labor and “sweat equity” hours by the future homeowner. A founding principle of HFH is the belief that ALL people deserve decent housing. Over 250 homes have been built in the Rochester area through Habitat for Humanity.
What is “Habitat Interfaith Partnership” (HIP)?
Our church belongs to the “Habitat Interfaith Partnership”. This coalition is truly “interfaith” and includes several Christian churches in the Pittsford area as well as Rotary, the Islamic Center and Temple Sinai. HIP recently lost major funding from some of our partner churches making it difficult to meet its previous commitment of building one house every 3 years. Our volunteer pool at Pittsford Pres and HIP is aging and we need more and younger volunteers!
What is “Greater Rochester Interfaith Builders” or “GRIB”?
The Rochester area faith coalitions (Pittsford “HIP”, Brighton, Greece, Webster, Penfield and Perinton) have formed an “Umbrella” coalition called the Greater Rochester Interfaith Builders” or “GRIB”. Each individual coalition pledges a certain amount towards the $100,000 yearly goal and collectively we will build a house each year.
How does our church support HIP and the GRIB?
Our Mission and Outreach Committee budgets a yearly donation to HIP for its pledge to GRIB. Have you ever bought a pie at Thanksgiving? This is one of many fundraisers for Habitat. Our church members are eager volunteers on the job site, sawing, hammering, painting, landscaping, and helping to build homes.
How can I help?
SIGN UP AND HELP BUILD A HOUSE! No skills are required! On-site education and tools are provided. Caution, you may become addicted! Look for volunteer opportunity postings in the Bulletin and church communications. Sign-up sheets will be in Fellowship Hall.
How can I donate?
Buy a pie, send a check to our church designated “Habitat Build”, or make an RMD from your IRA to our church for Habitat. You can donate items to RESTORE which supports GRHFH. A skilled “deconstruction crew” at NO CHARGE will gladly remove your kitchen cabinets and counters. Appliances, furnishing and more welcomed.