2025 Stewardship campaign
Leading into Our Vision
Click HERE to Fill Out a Participation Card and Submit Your Pledge for the 2025 Campaign!
NEW! Generosity Report
The Generosity Committee wants to thank all of you for participating in First Presbyterian's stewardship ministry these past several weeks and accepting the call to fulfill our vision of being a connected community, growing spiritually in Christ and, through service, empowering our neighbors to thrive.
We received 173 commitments for 2025 totaling $550,341 to help guide us towards this mission. This brings us past last year’s commitments totaling $541,600. Every commitment is critical to fulfill our ministry and reflect our call to “Leading into Our Vision”. If you have not taken the opportunity, you may complete a commitment on our website under “Giving/Stewardship” and click on the link to the participation card or by submitting your pledge card to Maria’s attention in the office.
Your Generosity Committee
Pastor Aaron Neff, Lew Becker (Chair), William Blackmon, William Rieth, Andy Ashworth, Rob Rhodes, Paul Irving
What do our four ministry categories include?
Mission includes our outreach to over 20 local organizations, in addition to our Kenya orphanage, disaster relief trips, JASY in Jamaica, and our Taiwan missionaries. We went to Kitale, Kenya with a dental team in January 2024. We went to New Bern, N. Carolina and Ft Myers, Florida in January 2023 to assist with Hurricane rebuilding. We made our 10th trip to Kingston, Jamaica in July 2023 to run JASY Sports Camp.
Worship comprises our leadership for services, our music (including guest musicians and concerts), and special services, such as weddings, funerals, and youth services.
Education embraces Sunday school, LOGOS, Bible study, adult enrichment and small groups.
Finally, Fellowship incorporates youth activities, deacon events, pastoral visits, fellowship hour after services, meeting and greeting visitors, and member assistance and prayer support. For example, the deacons continue to sponsor monthly fellowship activities including Game Night, Kayaking, Hiking, and Cooking Club. The deacons also plan and run annual events such as the All Church Picnic, Dads & Grads strawberry social on Father's Day, hockey and baseball games.
We hope the ministries budget can help you to better understand how your support affects our church’s mission and that you will consider filling out a Share God’s Blessings pledge card.
Your Generosity Team
Lewis Becker (Chair), Andy Ashworth, Bill Blackmon, Rob Rhodes, Bill Rieth, Paul Irving & Pastor Aaron Neff
Did you know? - You can see your own giving history by going to “Directory” from the home page, Sign-In to your account. Click on “My Profile” and then on “Giving” at the left-hand side of your profile screen.
You may, also, donate on-line by clicking HERE