MID-WEEK MEET-UP: The Betrayal of Jesus

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Don’t forget - this week we will have our foot-washing service at 7pm on Maundy Thursday and our Tenebrae service at 7pm on Good Friday. Then, on Easter Sunday our sunrise service will happen at 7am at the Evergreen Shelter at Mendon Ponds Park at 103 Canfield Road in Pittsford. (A photo is attached of the shelter for your reference.) Our other Easter services will occur as usual - at 8:30am and 10:30am.

This is Holy Week, and today is Good Wednesday, sometimes called Spy Wednesday. It’s called Spy Wednesday, because it was the day of that first Holy Week on which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus to the Judean supreme court.

Thinking of the betrayal of Jesus, my mind immediately goes to other famous betrayals in history, specifically the assassination of Julius Caesar by members of the Roman Senate in 44 BC. This moment is well known to us through Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Caesar’s famous last words, “Et tu, Brutus?” Having been stabbed 22 times, Julius’ close friend Brutus applies the final blow that ends Julius’ life.

However, Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ are hardly worth comparing to one another. Julius had shed much blood through civil war in order to consolidate the power of Rome and become its first Emperor. He isn’t exactly what we would call “an innocent person.” Jesus, on the other hand, was the perfect Son of God. He “has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin” (Hebrews 4:15). He came to earth not to be served but to serve others (Matthew 20:28). He came to teach us that the way of God does not involve consolidating power for oneself but in letting go of our pursuit of power and control in order to trust God.

The innocence and perfection of Jesus makes his betrayal by Judas so much dark and ominous. Read what Judas did:

“Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?’ They paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him.” (Matthew 26:14-16).

• “Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, ‘The one I will kiss is the man; arrest him.’ At once he came up to Jesus and said, ‘Greetings, Rabbi!’ and kissed him.”(Matthew 26:48-49).

It’s likely that these “silver coins” were a day’s wage each, meaning Judas betrayed Jesus for a few thousand dollars. That was what the life of the Son of God was worth to Judas? And then to betray him so personally - with a kiss?

The temptation we have when reading this part of the Gospel is to distance ourselves from Judas. “How could anyone do such a terrible thing?” we might ask. However, I think, during Holy Week, the point is to see ourselves as Judas. I find myself betraying Jesus more times than I would like to admit - in my thoughts, in my actions, in my failure to prioritize him over my own interests. The only appropriate response is to grieve my sin and place my hope in the fact that “God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Consider the great love that God has shown you in sending Jesus to be crucified... for you. Reflect on it this Holy Week, and let it change your heart.

Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Palm Sunday Services

Hi First Presbyterian Church!

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I wanted to draw your attention to the order of worship for this Sunday, which is Palm Sunday.

Our 10:00 am service is going to be different than our usual format. The majority of the service is going to be a musical presentation of John Rutter’s “Requiem.” Drs. Jared Chase and Bruce Frank along with our chancel choir, soloists, and orchestra have been working hard to prepare for this cantata. Our children's choir will also be singing, and, of course, we'll be waving palm fronds! You won’t want to miss it!

Our 8:30 am service is going to follow our normal format. I will be preaching the next sermon in our series, focusing on what Jesus says in John 10:9, “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” We will also be installing our newest Youth Elder Will G. into his role on the Session. How exciting!

I encourage you to come to the 8:30 am service to hear the proclamation of the Word and to encourage Will as he takes this step into leadership in the church. I also encourage you to stay for the 10:00 am service to listen to the cantata and allow it to help prepare your heart and mind for Holy Week.

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: "The Bridegroom"

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I’ve been thinking a lot about fasting during Lent, and in particular the point Jesus makes in Matthew 9:14-17 - fasting is meant for us to feel hunger to help us cultivate a deeper spiritual longing for Jesus. In that passage of scripture, Jesus refers to himself as “the bridegroom.” While thinking about longing for Jesus, I was reminded of another passage of scripture where Jesus refers to himself as “the bridegroom” - Matthew 25:1-13. In that passage, Jesus tells a story about ten young women who are awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom. As part of their waiting, five of them bring oil lamps without oil, and the remaining five bring oil lamps with flasks of oil for their lamps. They go out to wait for the bridegroom (presumably during the daytime) and end up waiting long into the night for him to return. They all fall asleep while they wait, until they’re awakened by the news that the bridegroom has returned and will be with them any minute. The young women who didn’t bring oil aren’t able to light their lamps. The ones who brought oil don’t have enough to share, and so the oil-less women must go find oil to buy. Unfortunately, while they are gone, the bridegroom appears and only those who were prepared with oil in their lamps go into the wedding banquet with him.

The background to the story is lost on us who are separated by geography and centuries from this cultural context. It’s likely that the ten young women are from the bridegroom’s household (maybe sisters or cousins or employees), and they are waiting for him while he is likely meeting with the bride’s father, agreeing to terms for her dowry. (Yeah, I know - a very different culture, right?) Once he returns, the young women will escort him to his bride (now in his own household) to consummate the marriage. Afterward, a wedding feast will be held.

It seems obvious that the five women who didn’t bring oil assume the bridegroom is going to quickly agree to terms for a dowry and return soon. That isn’t the case. In fact, even the women who did bring oil were surprised when he finally returned. What’s the point of this story?

Within the larger context of Matthew’s Gospel, it’s clear that this is a metaphor for Jesus’ return to earth, his Second Coming. What is he trying to tell us about his Second Coming? To me, he has one point to make: always be ready, because you don’t know when it will happen. Don’t be like the five who assumed that his delay wouldn’t be long, which will lead you to be unprepared when he finally does arrive and which has the potential to lead you to believe that he’ll never come at all. Even within one generation of waiting for Jesus’ return, Christians were already becoming disenchanted with the idea that his return would ever happen. 2 Peter 3:3-4 says, “In the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and indulging their own lusts and saying, ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since our ancestors died, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation!’” If that was true for those who lived shortly after the time of Jesus, how much truer for those of us who live thousands of years after them! This is the very point of the story about the 10 young women. Jesus is returning… so we ought to be vigilant in being ready!

I think it’s also important to notice that, despite their preparedness, the five who did bring oil for their lamps were still surprised when the bridegroom appeared! It seems there have been people in every generation of the Church’s history that have tried to predict the coming of the Lord based on things happening around them. Upstate New York is notorious for producing such “millenarian” groups like the Seventh-Day Adventists and the Shakers. The reality is, however, like Jesus says in this passage from Matthew 25: “you know neither the day nor the hour” (v. 13).

There is much that many people are anxious about these days. Some people may tell you, “Despair! If Jesus really cared about us, he’d come back and do something about it already. Abandon your hope! Jesus isn’t coming!” Don’t listen to them. The bridegroom delays but he hasn’t abandoned us. Other people may say, “The Bible has predicted the things we’re seeing in the world, and we can know exactly what God is going to do next!” Don’t listen to them, either! We don’t know when Jesus will return.

The only thing we do know is that Jesus has told us to be ready. So… let’s be ready. Let’s not let him find us sleeping or unprepared. Let’s get serious about our faith. Let’s decide that if Jesus does return tomorrow, he’ll find us loving our neighbor with selflessness and humility… which is what he really wants us to do.

Lenten blessings,

Pastor Aaron


Hi First Presbyterian Church,

Did you know that early Christians made a habit of facing east when they prayed? Clement of Alexandria (a theologian from the second century AD) once wrote, “And since the dawn… is the image of the day of birth…, in correspondence with the manner of the sun’s rising, prayers are made toward the sunrise in the east.”  Likewise, Origen (a theologian from the third century AD) said, “It should be immediately clear that the direction of the rising sun obviously indicates that we ought to pray inclining in that direction, an act which symbolizes the soul looking towards where the true light arises.”

While it is still Lent, perhaps you can add this practice to your spiritual disciplines. Are you an early riser? Then, I encourage you to grab your cup of coffee or tea, find a good spot that faces east, and start your day with prayer as you watch sun rise. Just as the light of the new day begins to shine on you, ask God to give you clarity, direction, hope, and warmth for a new day. May you feel God’s presence and grace this Lent.


Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: How is your Lent going?

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I wanted to remind all congregation members that our annual meeting is this Sunday following our 10:00 am worship service. Please note that this meeting is in-person only! Our Presbytery has advised us that, due to a change in NY State law in 2021, congregational meetings can be either virtual or in-person but not both. So, in order for us to meet our quorum needed, please make every effort to be here in-person to attend worship and the congregational meeting afterward.


How is your Lent going? Are you fasting or abstaining from something else during this season? In Matthew 5:6, Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled.” Can you imagine what our lives might be like if we pursued God like we pursue food and water - as if our very lives depended on God? Can you imagine what our lives might be like if we looked to God like we look to entertainment, hobbies, or creature comforts - as if God was the respite we needed from the stress and harshness of life?

There is a reason Christians have fasted during Lent for thousands of years – to remind ourselves that our need for physical sustenance is equally matched by our need to know and love God. Picture yourself in the middle of the desert with no water. It’s 110 degrees. The sand is hot. There are no clouds. The sun is beating down. There is no shade. You can’t even sweat anymore. Your mouth is dry and parched. You would give anything for just a drop of water. Have you ever desired God as much as you might want that drop of water? Jesus wants us to understand that we do, in fact, have a deep and desperate need for God. Thankfully, in Jeremiah 29:13, the Lord says, “When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.”

What Jesus did for us in his death and resurrection was to reconcile us to God. You can know God today because of Jesus. Jesus offers us a relationship with God… but only if we want it. Lent is a perfect time to reach out and talk to God, who wants nothing more than to hear from you. As we await the story of Easter, never forget that the gift of Easter is already yours today. That gift is Christ himself, and he awaits you.

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-up, which I’m sending out early for two reasons. One reason is I wanted to address the technical difficulties from worship yesterday, and the second reason is because I won’t be able to send it out as usual this week since I will be out of town visiting family. 

If you were trying to worship with us over live-stream yesterday and couldn’t, it’s because, unfortunately, there was no live-stream. We had temporary technical difficulties that have been sorted out. We do have recordings from the Scouts who had prepared contributions to the service, which you can find here

On a different topic, as you enter this first full week of Lent, I encourage you to read and reflect on these words from one of my favorite William Cowper hymns, called God Moves in a Mysterious Way. 

God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform.
He plants his footsteps on the sea and rides upon the storm.

Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, the clouds you so much dread,
Are big with mercy, and shall break with blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but trust him for his grace.
Behind a frowning providence, he hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour.
The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err, and scan his work in vain.
God is his own interpreter, and he will make it plain.

Here are two sung versions of the hymn that you might also find encouragement listening to:

God Moves in a Mysterious Way (Indelible Grace)

God Moves in a Mysterious Way (Grace Community Church)

May God bless you in this holy season.

Lenten blessings,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Ash Wednesday, Lent Sermon Series, and Our Strategic Objectives

Hi First Presbyterian Church,
It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I want to remind you that today is Ash Wednesday and that we will be imposing ashes during a worship service tonight at 7pm to mark the beginning of Lent.

I will also be preaching a new sermon series throughout the season of Lent, focusing on the seven “I am” statements that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. This Sunday will center around the statement that Jesus makes in John 10:11, “I am the good shepherd.” It is also Scout Sunday.

In case you missed the congregational debrief, here is a link to the recording: Congregational Debrief. Our consultant Kevin and the Vision Team introduced you to the four strategic objectives that we will be pursuing over the coming years. Those objectives are: 

  • Everyday Faith

  • Groups and Gatherings

  • Pittsford Connects

  • Re-align to our True North

These four objectives are going to become the focus of our ministry efforts, and I assure you that you will be hearing lots about them. Please watch the debrief if you haven’t already, as it will provide you with the best overview of these objectives. I am so thrilled to be on this journey with you!

Lenten blessings,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Congregational Debrief this Sunday!

Hi First Presbyterian Church,
It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! There is a lot happening this Sunday - worship, the congregational debrief, the Choral Extravaganza at 2 pm, and the Super Bowl! Just because it is so important, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight how you can view and participate in the long-awaited congregational debrief from the Faith Forward initiative. 

We will have both worship services this Sunday as usual - but they will be different from one another. At 8:30 am, we will have our traditional service, during which I will finish up our core values sermon series with our core value of “love.” At 10:00 am, the congregational debrief will take place during worship. Just to be clear: the congregational debrief will only be taking place at 10:00 am. There will still be Sunday School, but there will be no “Mouse Report” during worship. Your children under 6th grade may go to Sunday School as soon as worship begins. Youth in grades 6 through 12 will be staying in worship for the debrief. 

During the 10:00 am service, you will have the opportunity to hear from our consultant Kevin Ford, your pastors, and some other members of the Vision Team, as they explain the background and result of the Faith Forward initiative. Kevin and the Vision Team will also be staying after worship to answer a few questions in the sanctuary. 

If it is at all possible, please try to attend the 10:00 am service to hear the debrief. I encourage you to worship at 8:30 am and then also stick around for the debrief in the second hour. The debrief (as well as the Q&A that follows) will be live-streamed and archived on YouTube, but it won’t be possible to participate in the Q&A remotely.

I hope to see you on this important Sunday! 

Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron


Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! The final Faith Forward retreat happened this past weekend, and I want to provide you with an important update. But first - I want to make sure you know that this Sunday is an “Intergenerational Sunday.” In recent years, we have been having an Intergenerational Sunday a few times a year. There won’t be any Sunday School, because the children of the church will be staying in the sanctuary for worship. While we will be using familiar elements of our traditional worship service (with prayers, scripture, hymns, music, and a sermon), the worship service will also be more interactive and more accessible for everyone, including a different style of sermon. This Sunday’s Intergenerational service will be special, because the youth of the church will be leading it! I hope you will decide to worship with us - at either 8:30 am or 10:00 am!

Now - our Faith Forward update! As you know, February 11 is the date of our congregational debrief. The debrief was originally planned to take place after worship that day. However, the Vision Team heard from many people who indicated that they would not be able to attend the debrief if it was after worship. It’s important that as many people as possible are available for the debrief; so… the debrief will now be taking place during the 10:00 worship service. 

 At this debrief, you will hear from our Vision Team and our consultant Kevin Ford about the following:

  • Our strategy for engaging our congregation

  • Our strategy to nurture spiritual growth in our congregation

  • Our plan to rebuild our organizational structure so that it supports our vision

  • Our strategy for focusing our ministry outreach

Since the debrief will take place during worship, it will be live-streamed and archived on our YouTube page. But please make every effort to attend the 10:00 am service on February 11, as you will not want to miss this important event. Our usual worship service will also be happening at 8:30 am that day. 

I am so excited about the work the Vision Team was able to accomplish and the work our congregation has ahead of it to grow and change. 

Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron


Hi First Presbyterian Church,

Mark your calendars for February 11. That is the date for the congregational debrief, summarizing the work that will have been done in the Faith Forward initiative.

Throughout our Faith Forward initiative, our Vision Team has discerned what our core values are. You have been hearing lots about our core values recently, since it is the topic of our current sermon series. Core values describe who we are, and, ultimately, they influence the things we do. What we do flows out of who we are. Discerning our core values has been illuminating and exciting. However, I’m sure most of you are anxious to know what the Vision Team will say about that latter component - what we do. We might call this our “vision” and “mission.” The vision and mission is primarily what is seen by people. They are what we build programs and schedule meetings around.

As I’m writing this, the Vision Team has yet to convene at its third and final retreat. At that retreat on January 27-28, the Vision Team will begin formulating a strategic plan to implement a new vision and mission for our church. Our consultants have an acronym to describe this strategic plan: SCORE. Here is what it stands for:

 •   Spiritual support (our primary model for mentoring and discipling our people)

•   Communicate our message (clarifying key elements of our public identity and brand)

•   Outreach focus (our signature outreach ministry in the local community)

•   Re-design structures (evaluating and aligning governance, stewardship, staffing, and facilities to our True North)

•   Engage our people (our primary method of fostering community, providing care, and empowering people in ministry)

After the third retreat, the Vision Team will be able to report to the congregation on our SCORE. Specifically, our consultant Kevin will be here to help the Vision Team do just that at the congregational debrief on February 11.

If you care about the future of our church and want to engage with the Vision Team about their work, then please come to this important meeting. It will happen in our Fellowship Hall after worship that Sunday - around 11:30 am. I am excited and hopeful about the future of our church and its ministry. I hope you are, too.

Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron


Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! This Sunday in worship, we continue our sermon series highlighting and unpacking our church’s core values. Last week we looked at our core value “connect.” This Sunday we will look at our core value “unify.” It also happens to be Presbyterian Women’s Sunday, a day that comes around every January encouraging us to give thanks for God’s work being done by women throughout the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Women (PW) organization was started over 200 years ago as a denominational effort to empower women in the church at a time when many women had no roles outside the home. Today, Presbyterian congregations throughout the country may form a PW group to carry out whatever ministry they feel called to do. Many of these groups focus on mission, Bible study, and fellowship.

 At First Presbyterian Church, our PW group leads, serves, and supports the church in so many ways, including organizing into three smaller groups (called “Circles”) who meet regularly for fellowship, mission, Bible study, and other activities. Anthony Circle focuses on fellowship and mission (including preparing the Advent brunch every year). Eve Circle concentrates on Bible study and mission. Naomi Circle meets for lunch, fellowship, devotions, and a program or speaker. PW at First Presbyterian also organizes and leads two fundraisers each year (the Penny Pincher Sale and the Second Mile Giving Campaign), the proceeds of which go entirely to support mission. Our PW group also does so many things behind the scenes to make our congregational life possible.  

 For Presbyterian Women’s Sunday this year, Pastor Erin will be leading our worship and will be preaching from Philippians 2:1-11. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is especially appropriate for this Sunday, because there is strong historical evidence to suggest that the Philippian church was founded by and led by women - Lydia, Euodia, and Syntyche specifically. It wasn't until 1956 when the Presbyterian Church ordained Rev. Margaret Towner, our first female minister (who just turned 98 last year!). However, we can clearly see that the Holy Spirit has always been calling women to ministry within the church. It is because of many faithful women who have led in many different roles in our own congregation that “unify” is one of our core values. 

 I hope you will be able to worship with us this Sunday to celebrate all that God is doing in us and in the world!

 Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Core Values Sermon Series - connect

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

 It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Starting this Sunday, we will begin a five-week sermon series focusing on the church’s recently identified core values. The sermon series culminates on February 11, when our Faith Forward consultant Kevin Ford will be in Pittsford and will lead a congregational debrief following the 10:00 service. In case you don’t remember, here are our core values:

  As a Christ-centered Community, our devotion calls each of us to...

  • Connect:  We create and sustain life-giving relationships, across all generations.

  • Inspire:  We worship God in ways that stir our souls, sharpen our minds, and speak to our hearts.

  • Follow:  We experience transformation through the Holy Spirit, and help others do the same.

  • Unify:  We join together across our differences, to make a difference.

  • Love:  We show grace and compassion to others, with no strings attached!

 This Sunday, we will be focusing on the core value of “Connect.”

 On a separate topic, as I hear the wind howling outside and look out the window to see it blowing branches off of trees, I am reminded of the psalm we read for our Call to Worship this past Sunday. Psalm 29:9 says, “The voice of the Lord causes the oaks to whirl, and strips the forest bare; and in his temple all say, ‘Glory!’”

 With 60 mph winds gusting all around us, we are reminded of the strength of nature and of the Creator who made it. Like the psalmist who said that such things should instill in us a sense of awe and submission to God, I want to pause and reflect on the greatness and mystery of God. When I feel small and vulnerable and weak, I can know and trust that God is big and sovereign and strong. Whatever you may be facing today, I pray you feel God’s strength. 

 Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: With a new year comes fresh hope

Hi First Presbyterian Church, 

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up. With a new year comes fresh hope. We look forward to the opportunities that a new year brings - opportunities to deepen relationships, achieve goals, and create joy and peace. I pray that will be your experience in 2024. Of course, Christian faith teaches us to trust a loving God who gives us peace even despite difficult circumstances.  

But sometimes we are reminded in vivid and personal ways of the sobering truth that suffering exists in the world. This week, two events brought this truth into my mind. On New Year’s Day, very early in the morning, someone drove an SUV stashed with gas canisters toward pedestrians leaving a concert at the Kodak Center. The crash killed three people, including the driver, and injured many more. Some people within the Pittsford Presbyterian community have family that were on site while the crash happened and, gratefully, were unharmed. Then, earlier today, I read that, in Rochester on Tuesday, police found the body of a Pittsford person who had been missing since early Monday morning. Some of you may know her or her family. What a tragedy.  

On this first Mid-Week Meet-Up of the new year, where feelings of shock may be lingering, I offer these words for us to pray together: 

God of hope, we come to you in shock and grief. Help us to find peace in knowing that you show love and mercy to all your children. Give us light to guide us out of darkness into the assurance of your love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Hear our prayer for those in despair, when days are full of darkness and the future seems empty of hope. Remember those who were taken away suddenly from their families and loved ones. In your tender love, comfort and strengthen those who mourn today. Help us to share the life–giving power of your love that those in need may experience your steadfast compassion.  

God of all mystery, whose ways are beyond understanding, lead us to a new and deeper faith in your love, which brought your only Son Jesus through death into resurrection life. Amen. 

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Fourth Advent Puzzle

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It's time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! This is one more reminder that there will only be one morning service this Sunday at 8:30 am. This single service will be livestreamed and will also include Sunday School for children. After that single morning service, there will be enough time for everyone to go home and enjoy the morning and afternoon before returning for one of our evening Christmas services at 4:30 pm (family-friendly), 8:00 pm (with choir and bells), and 10:30 pm (with soloists).

Before this Sunday is Christmas Eve (liturgically, that is), it is the Fourth Sunday of Advent - which means that it’s time for our next (and, sadly, last) word puzzle of Advent. Today’s puzzle is an anagram, which is a word or phrase that is formed by rearranging the letters of another word. For example, did you know that “Presbyterians” is an anagram for “Britney Spears?” How hilarious is that?! Over the summer Dick Sprenkle, a church member, shared with me that “Presbyterian” is also an anagram for “Best in prayer.” I like that one. Plus, it’s more theologically appropriate than the first one!

Now that you’ve got the idea of what an anagram is, here is the word puzzle for this week:


Good luck solving this anagram to discover the theme for my sermon on Sunday. I can’t wait to see you at 8:30 am!


Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Third Advent Puzzle

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

Advent marches on, and we’re getting ever-closer to Christmas. Did you realize that Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year? That means December 24th is both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve. Since we will be having our normal Christmas Eve services in the afternoon and evening (4:30, 8:00, and 10:30), there will only be one morning service that day. To give our staff a break between the morning and the later services, the only morning service on December 24 will be at 8:30am. That service will still be live-streamed, and there will be Sunday School.  

Advent and Christmas Eve are such different services with such different themes, that I hope you will attend the morning service and one of the later services! 

On a separate topic, this Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent, which means it’s time for our third word puzzle! Well done to all of you who solved the first week’s (HARBINGER) and the second week’s (COMPASSIONATE SHEPHERD)! This week we have a letter-substitution puzzle. Here it is: 


See if you can crack the code to reveal the theme of this Sunday’s sermon.  

I hope to see you Sunday!
Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Second Advent Puzzle

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I assumed last week that I’d have something to tell you today about what happened at the third Vision Retreat this past weekend and what progress the Vision Team made. Sadly, however, I don’t have anything any updates for you. Our consultant Kevin Ford arrived in Rochester only to get news that his 91-year mother was in the hospital and facing the end of her life. So we cancelled the retreat, and Kevin flew back to North Carolina where he is still keeping vigil as his mother makes her transition into eternal life. We are working on rescheduling the retreat for a weekend in January. Please join me in praying for his mother Jean Graham Ford, for her husband Leighton, for Kevin, and for their whole family. Jean is the sister of the late Billy Graham. 

On a lighter topic, this Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent, which means… it’s time for our next word puzzle! Well done to those of you who solved last week’s puzzle - harbinger. This week, instead of decoding letter symbols, you will be solving a word scramble. Here it is:


Unscramble this two-word phrase to discover the theme of this Sunday’s sermon. Just like last Sunday, I will ask one volunteer to solve the puzzle during worship. If that person solves it correctly, they will earn a small prize. 

I hope to see you Sunday!

Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron

MID-WEEK MEET-UP: Thanksgiving Hymn

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! I’m visiting my family in Pennsylvania this week, so I scheduled this week’s meet-up to go out automatically. I love to reflect on little-known Thanksgiving hymns during this month of gratitude. This year, I discovered a hymn written in the 19th century by a Methodist lay-person named E.R. Latta. The hymn is titled “Thanksgiving Hymn.”


Refrain: Lord, accept our adoration, and the thanks our spirits feel!

             Grant to us Thy full salvation, unto us Thyself reveal.


Now an off’ring of thanksgiving, gracious Lord we bring to Thee.

On Thy bounty we are living, King of heav’n and earth and sea. (refrain)


At the gentle Spring’s awaking, when the captive earth was freed,

Not in vain, the fallow-breaking and the sowing of the seed! (refrain)


Timely rains, to earth descending, on the needy grass and grain,

With the genial sunshine blending, clothed with plenty, vale and plain! (refrain)


For the harvest that we gather, not alone our lips should praise;

We should love our heav’nly Father, and should serve Him, all our days! (refrain)


 Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
Pastor Aaron

Mid-Week Meet-Up: Intergenerational Sunday

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Three important things are happening this Sunday. 1) Following the 10 am worship service, we will be having an in-person congregational meeting to elect new Elders, Deacons, Trustees, and Nominating Committee members. The Nominating Committee will be presenting you with many qualified and faithful people for these positions! 2) Following the brief congregational meeting, we will be having our annual (and delicious!) Advent preparation brunch, hosted by Anthony Circle (one of our Presbyterian Women’s groups) with a craft prepared by our Christian Education Committee. 3) At both the 8:30 am and 10:00 am worship services, our worship will be designed to be intergenerational. Let me explain a little more about that. 

In recent years, we have been having an “Intergenerational Sunday” about twice a year. There won’t be any Sunday School, because the children of the church will be staying in the sanctuary for worship. While we will be using familiar elements of our traditional worship service (with prayers, scripture, hymns, music, and a sermon), the worship service will also be more interactive and more accessible for everyone, and the sermon will be broken up throughout the service. The theme for Sunday will be “Multiplying our Talents,” based on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25:14-30, and numerous object lessons will help us to understand and apply the passage of scripture. Additionally, we will be hearing a report from our JASY mission team and the children’s choir will be singing. It is sure to be meaningful and enriching! 

I’m looking forward to worshiping with the entire congregation on Sunday, from the youngest to the oldest of you! 

Peace to you,


MID-WEEK MEET-UP: About Gratitude

Hi First Presbyterian Church,
It's time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Every year during November, Laura and I (but mostly her!) do “The Thankful Turkey” with our kids. Lots of families do this now. Here’s how it works. Each of our kids designs and colors a turkey that gets posted on a wall in our house. The only thing missing from the turkeys are their tail feathers. So, each day of November, the kids take a colored tail feather, write something they are thankful for on the feather, and put the feather in their turkey’s tail. At the end of November, each turkey has a vibrant and colorful tail, displaying lots of gratitude. It’s a fun tradition and helpful activity.

The statements of gratitude that go on each feather sometimes say things like: “My family,” or “My teacher,” or “My friends.” These are important things to feel grateful for and to never take for granted. But my four-year-old’s gratitude statements, though very simple, sometimes cause me to stop and think. He will sometimes be thankful for the same things as his older sisters. But sometimes, when we ask him what he’s thankful for today, he’ll say things like, “My turkey’s eyes,” because he thinks his Thankful Turkey has really cute eyes. Or, he’ll say things like, “My vacuum and mop,” because he saw his vacuum and mop and felt genuinely grateful for them. We might chuckle because of the innocence of such statements, but isn’t this the kind of all-encompassing gratitude that we’re encouraged to express in 2 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances”? Perhaps this isn’t the same thing, but I am convinced that if I felt more genuine gratitude for things like my vacuum and mop, I’d probably feel more content and joyful in life!

Sometimes I think we assume gratitude is like trying to find the silver-lining of a storm cloud or admiring a rose despite its thorns – finding something positive in the midst of negativity. However, my mind goes to what Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11-13, “I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Paul faced countless (and even life-threatening) situations in which there really was nothing tangible to be grateful for, and yet, somehow, he could say he was content. His gratitude stemmed from the strength he gained knowing that Christ was with him.  

By looking at the world around us, we see human suffering. We experience it in our own lives. This is not the way God intended the world to be. But if we look closely, we will also see glimpses of God’s redemptive and resurrecting power at work, which are reasons to be grateful. Nevertheless, if after looking closely, it still seems hard to see even those glimpses, we can draw strength from knowing God is with us in the bleakness. With Christ the King Sunday approaching (a day on which we remember that Christ will one day return to us to finally set all things back in order), we can also be reminded of the hope we are offered in Christ – that suffering will not always persist. May we know this to be true in our lives and feel the gratitude that comes through Christ who gives us strength.


Peace to you,

Pastor Neff

Mid-Week Meet-Up: The Differences and Similarities between Catholics and Protestants

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

In my Wednesday Evening Bible Study, a few people in the group have a Catholic background, so we’re studying the differences between Catholics and Protestants. With Halloween right behind us, it seems appropriate for me to highlight some things we’ve discussed in our Bible Study. (By the way, did you know the Protestant Reformation began on Halloween in 1517?)

Maybe you know this but maybe you don’t, Catholics and Protestants have historically differed in our understanding of how faith and good works relate to salvation. Sometimes Protestants say, “Protestants believe that we are saved by God through faith alone, and Catholics believe that we are saved by God through faith and good works.” I think this is an oversimplification of the truth. I think when we look more closely at what we mean by statements like that, we will actually find that our beliefs aren’t as far apart from each other as we might assume.

It’s true that Protestants believe that God saves us by faith alone. We cannot earn our own salvation. We cannot heal our own brokenness. This is what we’re told in Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast.” This is what we call justification – which means we are “declared innocent of sin” by God. We are justified by our faith in Christ. To be justified before God means we are free from sin and its effects, which are death and hell. So is that the end of it? Protestants think you just believe in Christ and you’re saved? Not exactly. Even if we are rescued from death and hell because of the work Christ has done and transmits to us (i.e., justification), that doesn’t mean our salvation ends there. God does care about our actions. God wants us to live like Jesus lives. So God helps us to live that way by giving us help from the Holy Spirit. This process of living increasingly more like Jesus is called sanctification. Both justification and sanctification are part of the whole process of salvation. I sometimes like to summarize it by saying, “We don’t do good works in order to become saved. We do good works because we are saved.”

Even though Catholics sometimes seem to talk about doing good works in order to earn their salvation from God, that isn’t how Catholic theologian Peter Kreeft describes it. Here’s what he writes: “Protestants and Catholics agree that faith is necessary for salvation. The Bible clearly teaches that it is. Good works alone do not merit salvation. No one can ‘buy’ heaven with enough good works, or good enough motives. The ticket to heaven is not being nice or sincere or good enough; the ticket to heaven is the Blood of Christ, and faith is the acceptance of that free gift. But the [Catholic] Church insists that good works are necessary too. This means the works of love. Good works are not mere external deeds, but the works of love. And love is not mere feelings, but the works of love (charity, agape). That is why Christ can command them; feelings cannot be commanded. St. James clearly teaches that ‘faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead’ (James 2:17). And some of Christ's parables teach that our salvation depends on charity (Matthew 25:40: ‘as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’)”

I think what Kreeft is saying is something along the lines of “doing good works because we are saved.” If I’m right, then, it turns out, Protestants and Catholics may not be that far away from each other as we might think about salvation.

Friends, I encourage you to reflect on God’s amazing love and grace shown to you in Jesus Christ today. You are loved, forgiven, and saved because of Jesus. Let that reality sink into your hearts. And then, go and love someone today – humbly and selflessly serving them like Jesus would. In doing both of those things, you are experiencing the broad spectrum of all that salvation entails. Praise be to God.

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff