Hi First Presbyterian Church,
It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! This Sunday in worship, we continue our sermon series highlighting and unpacking our church’s core values. Last week we looked at our core value “connect.” This Sunday we will look at our core value “unify.” It also happens to be Presbyterian Women’s Sunday, a day that comes around every January encouraging us to give thanks for God’s work being done by women throughout the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Women (PW) organization was started over 200 years ago as a denominational effort to empower women in the church at a time when many women had no roles outside the home. Today, Presbyterian congregations throughout the country may form a PW group to carry out whatever ministry they feel called to do. Many of these groups focus on mission, Bible study, and fellowship.
At First Presbyterian Church, our PW group leads, serves, and supports the church in so many ways, including organizing into three smaller groups (called “Circles”) who meet regularly for fellowship, mission, Bible study, and other activities. Anthony Circle focuses on fellowship and mission (including preparing the Advent brunch every year). Eve Circle concentrates on Bible study and mission. Naomi Circle meets for lunch, fellowship, devotions, and a program or speaker. PW at First Presbyterian also organizes and leads two fundraisers each year (the Penny Pincher Sale and the Second Mile Giving Campaign), the proceeds of which go entirely to support mission. Our PW group also does so many things behind the scenes to make our congregational life possible.
For Presbyterian Women’s Sunday this year, Pastor Erin will be leading our worship and will be preaching from Philippians 2:1-11. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is especially appropriate for this Sunday, because there is strong historical evidence to suggest that the Philippian church was founded by and led by women - Lydia, Euodia, and Syntyche specifically. It wasn't until 1956 when the Presbyterian Church ordained Rev. Margaret Towner, our first female minister (who just turned 98 last year!). However, we can clearly see that the Holy Spirit has always been calling women to ministry within the church. It is because of many faithful women who have led in many different roles in our own congregation that “unify” is one of our core values.
I hope you will be able to worship with us this Sunday to celebrate all that God is doing in us and in the world!
Peace to you,
Pastor Aaron