Mid-Week Meet-Up: Hymns and Animals

Hi First Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Our Homecoming begins this Sunday, and I can hardly wait for it! I am eager to see so many of you in worship at 8:30 and 10:00 and then for the church picnic at 11:00. Worship will be joyful and celebratory, and you will have an opportunity to reconnect with your friends and meet new people at the picnic. Come home to your church family this Sunday!

I want to mention two things about the rest of our Homecoming series. 1) We have more than enough hymn selections for our hymn-sing on September 25. Thank you for your submissions and for the meaningful reasons you also gave as to why your selection is your favorite hymn. At this point, we won’t be able to include all of the hymn submissions into the hymn-sing, but we will include as many as we can and incorporate the rest of them into the worship services that follow. If you would still like to submit a hymn, you have until this Friday and can do so by clicking this link.

2) On September 18, we will be having a blessing of the animals liturgy during the 10:00 service outside on the Church Street lawn. Please bring a chair and your household pets to have blessed and prayed for during the service. If you feel it is not safe to bring your pet to the service but would still like to be included in the blessing liturgy, I encourage you to bring a photo of your pet to use during the service, instead. I also realize that many of you may have recently lost a pet. I would like to remember you and your departed animal during our time of prayer. If you would like your departed animal to be included in the prayer, please send their name and the name of their person(s) to connect@pittsfordpres.org by Wednesday, September 14.

This Homecoming is sure to be meaningful, fun, and full of joy. I look forward to seeing you!


Pastor Aaron