Mid-Week Meet-Up: New Member Sunday

Hi First Presbyterian,

It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! (This is coming to you a day late because our mass email service's server was under maintenance, and I wasn't able to send it until now.) With our Homecoming so recently behind us and having seen so many new faces among the familiar faces, I am very excited to offer another new members class this Fall. People continue to express an interest in wanting to become members of our congregation, which is a sign that the Holy Spirit continues to work among us! This three-session class is required for anyone who wants to become a member of the congregation; however, anyone who simply wants to learn more about the current vision of the church is welcome to attend the class, too. The class will be offered at 11:30 am following the worship services on October 9th, October 16th, and October 23rd. The class on October 9th will answer the question: “What does it mean to be a Presbyterian?” The class on October 16th will answer the questions: “Why become a member of a church?” and “Why become a member of this congregation?” In the final class on October 23rd, we’ll tie up loose ends and take a “Spiritual Gifts Assessment.” New Member Sunday (when a prospect’s membership becomes official) will be October 30th, which is also Reformation Sunday – how cool! If you want to become a member or if you are interested in attending the classes, please let me know!

As I frequently say, one thing I love about the Presbyterian theology of church membership is that membership and faith in Jesus Christ are integrally tied together. To become a member of the church, a person must profess to trust in God’s mercy, to turn from sin and renounce evil, to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, to commit to live in obedience to Jesus, and to devote themselves to the life of the church. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the work the Holy Spirit is doing among us than to profess our renewed commitment to Christ!

Peace to you,

Pastor Neff