Jesus said, “Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.” – John 15:4
The Vital Congregations Initiative (VCI) was a multi-year program that helped us grow into a more faithful relationship with Jesus Christ; helped us help others become disciples of Jesus; and helped us be a meaningful community of and for Christ.
VCI, a curriculum developed by PCUSA, was initially intended only for pastors. Pittsford Presbyterian accepted an invitation to participate, along with other Genesee Valley Congregations as a pilot cohort for Congregations. Our VCI team engaged in monthly cohort meetings to share ideas and learn from neighboring congregations. Pastor Neff actively collaborated with both our VCI committee and Pastor cohort.
Vital Congregation Vision Statement
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to equip, nurture and empower our congregation to renew, recover, and live more fully into faithful discipleship with Jesus Christ by:
Inspiring our congregation with the courage and conviction to do the necessary work to be transformed and embrace change such that Christ’s light shines more brightly through us.
Continuing the practices that take us deeper into God’s love, our love for one another, and our love for our neighbors here in Pittsford, Greater Rochester and the world.
Encouraging our congregation to have reconciling conversations and come together in ways we have never known by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Doing church, sharing church, indeed being church in ways which transcend culture and reflect the kingdom of God with rich diversity of every kind, are relevant to our community, and provide a safe, welcoming and loving community for those who are seeking to grow and practice their faith.
VCI was designed around 7 Key marks and used intentional spiritual practices including Bible studies, small groups, ministry and broader community activities, to discern who and what God is calling us to be as individuals and a Congregation.
Phase One (Relational) sought to build authentic relationships of faith. As a church we shared stories, honest discernment about our realities and discovered and embraced our calling.
Phase Two (Incarnational) was about turning the discernment of Phase One into practical realities as the congregation desired.