Presbyterian Women

Who are Presbyterian Women (PW)?

PW stands for Presbyterian Women and is one of the boards serving FPC.  Our local PW ascribes to the mission of Presbyterian Women of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Who serves on the PW Board and what Is a meeting like?

Meetings are led by a Moderator.  The meetings are opened with devotions, followed by reports from the Secretary, and Treasurer. Representatives from the following committees and circles report: Chancel, Communion, Sanctuary Care, Needlepoint Stitchers, Knitters/Crocheters, Naomi Circle, Anthony Circle, and Eve Circle.

What does PW do?

PW provides an opportunity for the women of FPC to develop friendships through common interests, nurture spiritual growth, provide service to FPC and the community, raise and donate money, and support FPC functions.

How often does PW meet?

PW meets four times per year in February, May, August, and November.

How are PW projects funded?

PW raises money through the Penny Pincher Sale, the sale of dedications of Poinsettias and Lilies, and through the “Second Mile Giving” campaign. The Penny Pincher Sale alone brought in over $5,400 this year and provided an outreach to the local community.

What organizations does PW support?

Money raised by PW is generously donated locally and internationally.  Examples of organizations that PW currently supports include the Willow Domestic Violence Center, Pittsford Food Cupboard, St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center, Cameron Community Ministries, JPC, African Girls Can, and JASY. 

How can I become involved in PW?

Every woman member of the church is welcome to attend the PW meetings which are listed in the bulletin, the calendar, on the website, and in the weekly mailings. You may also look for the January “Second Mile Giving” mailing which will include a sign-up slip.  We hope you will join us!

 What is a Circle?

A “circle” is group of women who meet for fellowship, mission, bible study and other interests or activities.  Circles meet monthly and are somewhat loosely based on age, but that is not the limited factor in which circle you should join!  The EVE Circle meets during the day and anyone can join them. Anthony Circle, for example, helps out at the youth and children’s events, works on mission projects supporting those less mobile and ARC home residents, and usually fellowships over coffee and breakfast.  Naomi Circle is a group of friendly “mature” ladies who meet for lunch in the church enjoying fellowship, devotions and a program.  

If you have any questions about one of our existing circles or would like to inquire about starting a new circle, please contact the church office at 596-5688, You are welcome to attend any of the meetings and see what goes on in a PW Circle!


Anthony Circle

EVE Circle

Naomi Circle

Financial Contributions

  • Backpack Food Program

  • East High Food Cupboard


  • Cameron Community Ministries

  • JASY (Jamaican Advantage through Sports for Youth)

  • Pittsford Food Cupboard

  • Presbytery-sponsored mission projects

  • Sojourner House

  • African Girls Can

  • Youth Mission Trips

  • Judicial Process Commission

  • Willow

Mission Time and Talent Contributions

  • Cameron Community Ministries Hot Lunch Program

  • Cameron Community Clothing House

  • Communion Preparation

  • Fleece Blankets for Baptisms

  • Food collection for Pittsford Food Cupboard and Backpack program

  • Hand knitted or crocheted hats, mittens, sweaters, lap robes and prayer shawls

  • Needlepoint Maintenance

  • Family Promise (formerly RAIHN) Meals

  • Sanctuary Flowers, weekly and seasonal

  • Valentines for Shut-Ins