News and Featured Events

Updated March 28, 2025


Sunday, April 13          8:30 am Palm Sunday Service
                                   10:30 am Palm Sunday Service (livestreamed)

Thursday, April 17       1:30 pm Maundy Thursday Service (in chapel)                                   
7:00 pm          Maundy Thursday Service (livestreamed)

Friday, April 18            1:30 pm          Good Friday Service (in chapel)
7:00 pm          Good Friday Service (livestreamed)

Sunday, April 20          7:00 am        Easter Sunrise Service (Port of Pittsford)
8:30 am        Easter Sunday Service
10:30 am        Easter Sunday Service (livestreamed)

  • Easter Lily Dedications

As in years past, we will offer the opportunity to honor, remember, or thank someone you love with a dedication and donation toward the purchase of Easter Lilies for First Presbyterian. A booklet of the dedications will become available just before Easter. For a donation of $10 each, dedication forms can be filled out after both church services on March 30, and April 6 and 13. Dedications and donations may also be made online here by April 14. Donations beyond the purchase price of the lilies will go toward Presbyterian Women’s mission projects. The lilies themselves will be available to take home following the 10:30 am service on Easter, April 20, on a first come basis.

  • First Fridays Family Board Game Night

First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford is joining with First Presbyterian Church in Victor, Macedon Center United Methodist Church, and Victor United Methodist Church to bring families a night of board games and entertainment. The group will meet on the first Friday of the month at one of the four churches. The next event is at First Presbyterian in Victor on April 4, at 6 pm.  Free pizza and drinks will be available to your family. Board games are provided or bring your own. First Presbyterian Church will host in June. For more details, look on the bulletin board or ask the office. 

  • Anthony Circle

Anthony Circle will gather on Wednesday, April 9, for lunch and an outing to Bleak House Books in Honeoye Falls. Meet at Citizens Bank parking lot in Pittsford Plaza at 11:00am. We will carpool to Flaherty’s for lunch and then explore this unique shop. RSVP to Anthony Circle email address.

  • NEW!   Undie Sunday is Back

Presbyterian Women will sponsor Undie Sunday again this year for Cameron Community and other ministries during the month of April. Please donate new undies and socks for men, women, and children. Boxers for youth are also much appreciated. Please place them in the bins in the lobby market “Undies.”  THANK YOU

  • NEW!   Call for Landscapers

Join our volunteer Landscaping Crew and help us keep our church grounds beautiful and well-maintained throughout the year! Our 2025 schedule kicks off on April 16 at 9:30 am with a spring cleanup, followed by monthly work sessions that will include planting, trimming, mulching, weeding, and general cleanup. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or new to landscaping, we welcome all hands to help. Workdays are typically mid-month Wednesdays, with rain dates the following day and are posted on the church calendar. Come serve and fellowship with others while making a visible difference at our church! Let Tom T. or the church office know if you are interested.