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Mid-Week Meet-Up: New Temporary Supply Associate Pastor

Hi First Presbyterian,

It’s Pastor Aaron, and I’m back again with my weekly checking-in email. I thought I should give a name to these emails; so I’m calling them the “Mid-Week Meet-Up.”

I said last week you could expect this week’s email to include my thoughts about an exciting new development at the church. I hope you saw the announcement that went out yesterday about our hiring of the Rev. Erin Schubmehl Jacobson as our new Temporary Supply Associate Pastor. I am thrilled about this news, and I wrote about it in September’s edition of The Good News. Please make sure to read my article or watch my video when you get the newsletter at the end of this week.

Pastor Erin will begin with us in September, which is another way of saying that Pastors Carol Anne and Steve will end their time with us at the end of the month. If your life and faith have been touched at all by their ministries, I encourage you to please reach out to them before the end of the month to express your gratitude. Much of pastoral ministry takes place outside the public eye; so, even if you haven’t had a personal interaction with them, please also reach out to express your thanks. They have been such a blessing to us, and I give thanks to God for bringing them to us to help lead us in our transition.

You are all in my prayers this week. Talk to you next week for our “Mid-Week Meet-Up!”

Peace to you,

Pastor Aaron