Mid-Week Meet-Up: Pastor Nominating Committee
Hi First Presbyterian,
It’s time for our Mid-Week Meet-Up! Today I’d like to remind everyone that there will be a congregational meeting this Sunday at 11:30 am on Zoom. At this meeting, we will be electing a new class of Elders, Deacons, and Trustees, voting on a motion from the Nominating Committee about reducing the number of some of our officers, and dissolving (which is the official, technically-correct term) the Pastor Nominating Committee. It is very important that we have a quorum for this electronic meeting (which is 79 members) in order for it to happen, so please make every effort to attend this meeting! Members of the church will be receiving a follow-up email about this tomorrow from the church office to ensure you know how to access the meeting. Also, we are still short 3 Deacons, 2 Trustees, and 3 Nominating Committee members. Please respond to this email if you can carry out these roles.
Unlike most of our other committees, which are formed by and accountable to either the Session, the Deacons, the Trustees or the Presbyterian Women’s Board, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is a committee formed by the congregation and accountable to the congregation. Since it was formed by the congregation, it must also be dissolved by the congregation now that its work is finished. Before we take that action on Sunday, I’d like to spend a moment reflecting on the PNC from my own perspective.
I will never forget the email I received from Dawn Magnuson on behalf of the PNC back in January. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I pulled up my phone to see the email which said the PNC wanted to have a phone interview with me. A spark of joy and excitement leapt up within me, a feeling I tried to temper with reasonability as I left myself open to whatever God wanted for my future and the future of First Presbyterian. However, after that initial phone conversation, I couldn’t help but feel myself drawn to the people who made up the PNC, a small sampling of the congregation they represented. After more interviews and a visit to Pittsford, that initial spark of joy and excitement had erupted into a blaze of love for you all. God was making it abundantly clear that First Presbyterian was where I was being called.
That had all taken place by the end of February. On March 15, after Laura and I had the opportunity to meet many of you, after I had led worship for you, after you all had voted unanimously to call me as your next pastor, and after my family and I entered came back into the sanctuary to the sound of trumpeted fanfare and applause, we stood in the chancel of the sanctuary and Rev. Jim Widboom asked me, “Do you accept the call of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsford?” At that moment, I became overwhelmed with emotion as I said, “Yes.” It was an overwhelming experience, because I could clearly see and feel the Holy Spirit at work. What a blessing it was to know that you also felt this sense of calling I felt so strongly. The process of discernment that brought us together was made possible through ordinary people who had committed themselves to listen for God’s voice. Good things happen when we are faithful to God, and I cannot help but be grateful for the faithfulness of Dan Traina, Lew Becker, Dawn Magnuson, Todd Pedersen, Anne Ferris, Charlie Francis, Henry Wang, Susie Wahl, Judith Van Dorn, Beth Collins, and John Messenger.
These are hard days that we are enduring with COVID-19. But remember that God has brought us together for a purpose. We will get through this. Better days are coming. We began our journey in faithfulness; let us continue our journey in faithfulness. As the apostle Paul wrote, “The one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). May it be so!
Peace to you,
Pastor Neff